Friday, February 21, 2014

10 Things To Do Before Tomorrow

I've read many things that tell you what you need to do before you die. When I see those things, I think, "Cool, I'll do them next year, or next month." But, I never get around to doing them. So, I've decided to come up with 10 things to do before TOMORROW! (Depending on when you read this, you could have up to 24 hours before tomorrow. So, let's go!

1. Say, “Thank You”
Physiologists have proven that showing gratitude is a large contributing factor to HAPPINESS!

2. Read Something Inspiring
I don’t need statistics to back this up. Just do it. I dare you.

3. Pick Up Trash 
Let the world know you care, take care of your environment.

4. Dance
Grab a partner or dance by yourself. Dancing releases endorphins!

5. Draw a picture
When was the last time you sat down and let your creative side take over? Art has been said to be a therapy for all ages. Even if you don’t consider yourself an “artist,” you don’t need talent to move a crayon on a piece of paper.

6. Meditate
People who mediate are less anxious and neurotic, more spontaneous, independent, self confident, and empathetic. Take a moment of silence and breathe in and out.

7. Write A Note to Someone
As I mentioned before, gratitude increases happiness. Also, just remembering someone who has made a difference in your life makes you feel happy too!

8. Smile
Although it may sound crazy, a study was done by Wayne State University that predicted the life expectancy of people who smiled in their pictures. Can you guess the results? (I can give you a hint, people who smiled, lived longer.)

9. Look At The Small Details Around You
Go on a walk or look out the window. What has your creator given you? Look at the lines the buildings make or the colors in the trees. Stop and admire the little things.

10. Say, “I love Yo­­u.”

The end.

Don't believe me? Check out these resources:

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