Friday, April 4, 2014

Random Act of Kindness

A simple conversation is an act of kindness.
One thing I find most inspiring are random acts of kindness. I believe that deep down, everyone can sense how someone is feeling that day. And I also believe they know how to help them, but it takes a little extra effort to help them out.

There are so many stories of people who drive past a stranger changing a tire, or walk past someone who has dropped something on the ground and had the feeling they should help. It is only the ones who stop and help that make a difference.
A simple note is an act of kindness.

The truth to that feeling is that person is probably wanting someone to help them and you are the person to help. When we let those little feelings go away, we don't only give up the chance to make someone's day, we let that person who we should help go un-helped. We let them fend for themselves and pass the responsibility to help onto someone else.

Please, always help! You never know the small ripple you may start if you help someone today.


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