Sunday, March 16, 2014

I didn't get here by luck

Editors note: I am truly blessed for the opportunities in life I have been given. With the help of family, friends, faith, and hard work, good things have come into my life.

I used to never think of myself as an overachiever, I just thought of myself a doer. Also, by calling myself an overachiever, I thought it gave others the undesired title of underachiever, and I didn’t like that. But, I’ve come to accept the fact and admit that I am an overachiever.

How I got this way

In high school, I was involved in EVERYTHING… You think I’m joking. I am not. (Not every activity was at the same time, but most of the time I had 2-3 activities conflicting every day of my high school career. I participated in band, track, choir, drama, basketball, volleyball, church, youth group, seminary, student council, work, and family obligations. I was busy.

Then, I went to college. I started filling my schedule with classes, snowboarding, church activities, work, volleyball, adventures, exercise, practicum credit, internships, societies, clubs, and friends. Life became very busy.

How did I become this way? I don’t really know. It could be my desire to please everyone. Or not wanting to say no because I know I can help them (although my already over-scheduled schedule says otherwise). It could be the need for more responsibility or the impressive addition to my resume and portfolio. It could be the need to please others. Who knows? But I know I’m not alone in this race to the top of the success ladder.

This one's for you, you overachiever

The following words are written for those people next to me in the library at 11:15 pm on a Friday night. The ones who are working 10+ hours a week and taking 14+ credits. The ones who spend walking in-between class on their phones not texting their friends but checking their email for internship and job opportunities. The ones who would love to read books for pleasure and see movies and watch a TV show once in a while.

The following words are also written for the people who think there are perfect people in the world with perfect grades, perfect relationships, perfect hair (hah), and perfect lives. 

I am not perfect. I get acne from stress, no sleep, and eating poorly—just like every other college student. I get B’s and C’s and D’s. I eat ramen and tuna fish. I get so overwhelmed that I cry, eat, and watch a movie in bed hoping it will all be better in the morning. And you know what, it usually is. I’m not saying cry and watch a movie every night, I’m saying there are ways to overcome stressing out to the max.

How to overcome overachiever syndrome 

First realize your limit. And realize you can only handle so much. (That means taking time for you!) Give yourself a lunch break, time for breakfast, and time for dinner. Also, give yourself some time to read a book, or take a break from the day.

Second, start saying no. That’s right, say no. YOU CANNOT DO EVERYTHING! You only have enough hours in the day. You only can do so much. And if you take on more than you can chew, you will not make it.

Third, you have to make healthy sacrifices. Choose what is most important at the time and strive to do your best with whatever you choose. Everything you want in life worth having takes some sort of sacrifice.

Fourth, do the right things. Someone once told me, “People who do the right things and do it well put themselves in a position for success.” To this it means when in class, be in class; when at work, be at work; and when in conversation, be in that conversation. Devote your whole attention to what is most important at that moment.

It will take time for me to learn how to manage my time most effectively, but I know that if I work everyday at it, it will happen.

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